Ron Estay, KCF Nov 30, 2013 |
Saturday evening KCF hosted their annual Fowl/Xmas Supper for the community. Invited to the banquet were community and business leaders. This year they hosted approximately 250 people. It was great with some games (what does a crazy fan look like) of which my wife and I were judges, some Christmas Carols, a couple of jokes, and this year CFL great Ron Estay of the Edmonton Eskimos Championship teams and coach of the Riders was the speaker.
KCF has provided leadership through their members and adherents in the community through their involvement in a variety of poverty issues, education, and more. Faith groups have an important role to play in the health of a vibrant community providing healing and a vision for what life can be, and helping people live lives that flourish.
Thank you KCF for your many contributions to Kindersley!
On a personal note: KCF have been very supportive of my family since my wife's accident last February. Thank you!
Xmas Crowd at KCF, Nov 30, 2013 |
The "Rider fan" game was to build a Rider Fan in 7 minutes using materials in a baggie which included: straws, balloons, tape, fancy stringy stuff, and stuff on the table including the people around it.
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