The Municipal Infrastructure Conference was well attended with 200 participants plus sponsors and presenters. There was good humour in the room despite the challenges we face as a group and for some communities, significant challenges. Here are some photos for you:
200 Attendees plus Sponsors and Presenters at the KI. |
The Kindersley Inn hosted the conference and were terrific!
Kindersley's own Vickie Newmeyer: Sponsor and Presenter |
Vickie Newmeyer, the General Manager of Meridian Community Futures, presents on the importance of infrastructure for economic development. She used her shoes in her presentation.
SUMA's Roger Hayward, Minister Jim Reiter, SARM's Dave Marit, and MC Steve McLellan |
The first session featured Minister Reiter speaking about the province's role in infrastructure.
Engineers Don George, Ryan King, Doug Thompson |
These three gentlemen headed up the team who conducted our recent Infrastructure Capacity Assessment. The study projected needs based on consumption and gave us a 5 year capital plan. If growth continues at the current pace we could be looking at $37.5 million in infrastructure investment. Investments are needed in such things as a new sewage lagoon, which is necessary in the near future, and increased capacity at the Bernie Haubrich Water Treatment Plant if use continues to grow.
Workshop Participants listening to the engineers who assessed Kindersley's infrastrcuture. |
The engineers shared alot of information relevant for both rural and urban municipalities.
Steve McLellan, Master of Ceremonies |
Steve McLellan has to be the province's best MC. Dignified, gracious and humourous, Steve knew how to keep our attention and the conference on time. As auctioneer Steve helped us raise $600 for Kinder Kollege.
David E White was the key note speaker of the conference. David spoke on resilient communities and how communities need spirit.
David E White |
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