What do you do with a blank slate? For some people it freezes them - I call this 'blank pageitis.' Kindersley has a wonderful opportunity to turn a blank field into a beautiful space filled with laughter and tears along with screams of victory and defeat plus the low hum of conversations.
Coleman Cres Park: What can you imagine? August 18, 2015. |
Can you imagine a green space with soccer lines on a level field surrounded by a small walking trail with a small child playground including a baby/toddler swing? That is what one family imagines in their email to me.
How about a small parking lot on the east side so kids don't have to cross the road?
Benches for those quiet, and sometimes intimate conversations?
How about outdoor workout spaces for those into fitness training?
What do you think about a couple of tables that could host a picnic? Perhaps a bbq?
What do you imagine?