Regional Waste Management, Transfer Stations, & Landfill
Information Session
SEIMA: WDM North Battleford
November 18, 2014
Trying to take a holistic approach with waste
and recycling
Want to see communities collaborating with
Environmental impacts
Health impacts
Long term liability
Bottom line
Landfills have requirements to follow
Waste is not free to dispose of
Landfills can run to make a profit
New legislation is about a cultural shift
New accounting standards effective 2015 (PS
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Regional Waste Management, Recycling, and Landfill Information Session. November 18, 2014 |
Environmental Code
Enforced in stages
Landfill and Transfer Stations are included in
the 1st edition
Some landfill aspects will be included
Regulation through
A variety of acts EMPA
Municipal Refuse and Management Regulations 1986
doesn’t need financial assurance and is municipally owned
IEW and HSWDG about burning and hazardous goods
What about How?
MRMR is not prescriptive
The code can be adjusted every 6 months
Acceptable solution and alternative solution
Compliance Audit Program
4 landfills were audited this year
Audit vs inspection
Audit: systematic, independent and documented
process to determine state of landfill
Inspection: a point of time verifying compliance
with regulations
4 types of audit findings
Positive finding
Easily corrected
Non-compliance with non-immediate threat and
needs correction
Immediate threat with immediate correction and
formal compliance
Compliance audit model is risk based and is
meant to be collaborative
2015 risk based audit selection includes waste
and looking at high risk landfills
Landfill Design and Operations
Protect ground and surface water
Modern landfills are highly engineered
containment system: protect the environment
Permit to construct is issued to owner of site
4 design options: Landfill Design Best
Practices, Alberta Code, SK Draft code, specifically designed for waste and
450 metres from humans, 300 from water, not in a
flood plain,
Designated areas for different types of
Environmental control systems to contain
Landfill gas management: gases from the waste
Cover and compaction only when operation is
closed to the public
Burn small loads more often than do less
frequent big burns
Signage needs to be clear
Operational plan: identify all permit
Identify, daily, weekly, and monthly activities
(part of new code)
Use GPS for site locations of some products
Permittee has weekly/monthly inspections
Be a good neighbour and clean up debris
Good plan includes: operation plan, ERP
stations, parameters, and frequency
Landfills and TRansfer Stations
Waste burning prohibited for a long time
Toxics that go up will come down: toxic
particulate will settle on land and urban
Carbon monoxide exposure
Toxic particulate can go down to aquifers
Landfill Closure
180 days’ notice of closure
Need a site assessment and corrective action
Subsurface, chemicals, groundwater, migration of
Soil guidelines on website with drop down menu
and answers
Again, operation plans outlining intentions
Will WRLI be doing land farming? Treating
contaminated soil?
Does fracking produce contaminated soil?
Groundwater Monitoring
Monitor impact of ground water to assess if a
threat to human or environment
All landfills leak and they are a toxic stew
Monitoring depends on site assessment
Transfer Stations
Supervised during hours of operation
Similar to the operation of a landfill
Designated areas clearly identified
Ensure proper design: access to public, access
to site, removal of waste
Collection of temporary waste is same as
Recent findings: clean wood piles are not clean
wood piles
Multi-Material Stewardship Western
Funding in year 3 to be based on Sask numbers
rather than the launch using Manitoba numbers
Still working out kinks re papers and other
Litter and Illegal Dumping
TIPS is now used as a tool to catch violators
Municipality Capacity Building
Lots of services including waste management
Promote municipal cooperation and collaboration
Association of Regional Waste Management Authorities
Goal is for Sask to reduce waste 50%
Will we become a regional waste management
To assist regions with new program
Advance practice of sound municipal solid waste
Landfill operators in Sask do not need to be
certified but looking at a recommendation to undertake training
Landfills are about the preservation of your
Operators need to plan 18 months out
Landfills now need a Crisis Committee for
emergency responses
How do you deal with 500 fridges at one time?
Waste Stewardship and Recycling
Hope to achieve: avoid, reduce, reuse, recycle,
recover, dispose
Regulated programs include: beverage containers,
used auto fluids, scrap tires, electronics, paint, ag plastics, etc
SK Waste Reduction Council
Recycling database:
New is: household hazardous waste is only 1%-2%
but dangerous, ag plastics, expansion of electronics recycling, food waste
reduction and composting ($27 billion wasted per year and households waste 50%)
Recycle SK
Recycling groups working together to coordinate
To grow product management programs in SK
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