Sunday 23 March 2014

Moment with the Mayor: Infrastructure Funding Challenges

Hi Everyone:

Perhaps the most significant challenge we are facing is to raise funds for our infrastructure projects:

·         Reducing our 20-year infrastructure deficit of ~$40 million (this includes everything from paving and pipes to lights and sprinkler systems);

·         New lift stations (possibly);

·         Increasing our water plant capacity;

·         Moving the sewage lagoon (possibly);

·         New regional landfill site;

·         Fire Hall;

·         Town Square; and

·         West Central Community Centre (Phase 2).

The reason I am writing about this again is that the New Building Canada Fund (BCF) may not be as good as advertised. BCF is a $14 billion federal funding program over 10 years to address an estimated $170 billion national infrastructure deficit problem. However, this year only $270 million is to be allocated. I have heard, though not confirmed, that Saskatchewan will only receive ~$17 million this year. Further, when looking at the details of the program, it appears:

·         Requests will take longer to process;

·         There are more restrictions on the types of programs; and

·         Municipalities will have to carry a larger portion of the funding.

These details are problematic because they will slow down growth, limit community development, and cause further financial stress for municipalities. Also, the province doesn’t have its own infrastructure program, leading me to these questions:

·         How are we to fund growth needs?

·         How long is maintenance to be deferred on critical infrastructure?

·         How are we to pay for a larger share of infrastructure projects with limited revenue?

We have to address this issue, and we are. Linked to this challenge is the access to timely and relevant data. Accurate data is required to ensure financial transfers meet community needs. We are in correspondence with the province discussing this issue as well.

Regarding health, local physicians are working with us to address our health services challenges.

Please write or phone if you would like me to discuss a particular topic. If you have any questions or comments, drop me a line at the town office or email me at You can also check out my blog at I appreciate your feedback.

 [WG1]There is no context about what the suggestion was.

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