This email crossed my desk August 26, 2014.
"Good day gentlemen,
I'm contacting council today to ask all of you a question
and am looking to have each individual email me separate responses.
In the attempt of educating myself and understanding the
town of Kindersley operation I find myself coming back to the same question and
am finding it difficult to answer myself so I'm looking for your assistance.
The question is improvement and growth in Kindersley and
what has been the improvements and growth in the past 10 years. So now I ask
can each of you give me a minimum of ten items that created improvement and
growth in or community and how they have created improvement and growth.
Excluding the water west project and roadways/sidewalks.
I appreciate your time and response"
Community growth is a multifaceted ongoing activity
reflecting the confidence of a group of people living together. The question posed
implies that municipal government is a driver of growth. I don’t think that
municipal government activity drives growth or recession. Growth is the
result of the decision of businesses, non-government organizations, and
citizens, acting or reacting to their vision of the future. As a result, the
growth that you see, or don’t think you see, is a result of everyone’s confidence and decisions about their individual life and life together with others.
New fire hydrant in Brookhollow Estates. Aug 27/14 |
Politics, at its fundamental level, is about discussing the
question about what the good life is and how we live together.
What do municipal governments facilitate? There are 4 things
municipal government facilitates: beauty, justice, fulfillment, and
relationships. (as a note: I include economics under justice)
Beauty isn't just about how aesthetically pleasing a
community appears; though it is very important to live in a community that is
inspirational. Beauty is also about hygiene: is the water, waste-water, and
refuse treated appropriately so there are no health concerns?
New Bridge at Motherwell Reservoir. Sept 4/14 |
How our neighbours keep their yard, how our businesses and
organizations keep their property are also beauty considerations. Beauty is the
result of the collective effort, including establishing budget priorities, of people
living together.
A jewel of Kindersley. Sept 4/14 |
The Town facilitates some of this but the appearance of the
Town is fundamentally that of the community working together. So, if you are
looking for signs of growth congratulate the Walking Trail Committee for the
ongoing development of the Motherwell Reservoir Walking Trail, congratulate the
Communities in Bloom committee for the ongoing work they do to beautify our
Town including the new picnic spot at HWY #7 & HWY #21, thank Dean, the
sponsor of the spray park, and congratulate Darren Olsen at Pharmasave for the
renovations he is doing.
New picnic area HWY #21 & HWY #7. Sept 614 |
“Thank-you” also goes to the companies like CN who
donate money for beautification such as a dog park or the company last year
that donated money to plant trees around town.
New exterior at Pharmasave. Sept 4/14 |
And let’s not forget Public
Works and Parks for their work to keep everything clean and running. Ensuring
the safe disposal of solid waste we are working with more than 20 other communities
to build a new waste disposal site. As part of building the new facility we are
assessing the current facility to transition it to a new purpose. Our lagoon is
nearing capacity and we are starting the process to build a new facility to
manage waste water.
New water pumps part of upgraded EK Water Line. June 24/13 |
We are also discerning how best to implement a new
transportation plan, developing a culture and economic development plan, including
the community initiative to build a new pool, gym, and arts centre.
Play Day at Kinder Kollege, Jan 28/14 |
At the municipal level justice is about upholding the other
three pillars of community, such as homes being well-kept so there are no
potential risks (falling buildings, mold, etc.) and conditions for rats like
long grass, garbage lying about, and land use design. Justice is about
sustainability: economic and social sustainability. Justice in the municipal
context is also about enforcing federal and provincial regulations designed to
ensure beauty, fulfillment, and relationships. As an example the National Building Code is enforced by the Town.
New Backwash Water pond supplying water for industrial use ensuring sustainability. Sept 4/14 |
Thank the COPPs for the dedication they make to ensure
commercial and industrial doors are locked, that impaired drivers are
identified and reported, and nuisance activity is reported or stopped. Thank
our bylaw officer for having the ambition to become be a “Special Constable” to
better serve the people of Kindersley.
Recently the Town adopted a new Official Community Plan that
guides the relationships between different types of land use. To ensure that
sustainable growth can be accommodated the Town is currently implementing our
Asset Management Plan and Long Term Financial Plan which is built on the
foundation of our infrastructure capacity assessment.
I believe that everyone is searching for significance in
their lives. As a result municipal government works with residents so there is
appropriate space. As an example the WCEC contributes to people’s fulfillment
by providing space for hockey, figure skating, yoga, boxing, walking, and more.
Land is zoned so that industrial activity doesn’t interfere with residential
living. Space is provided so that churches, mosques, and temples can be built.
Further, parks are provided and commercial enterprises have space to flourish.
Joint Project Ducks Unlimited and Motherwell Walking Trail Committee. June 10/13 |
Gratitude needs to be extended to the West Central Crisis
and Family Support Centre for their work to help people overcome their
challenges and grow their capacity, thank Kindersley Minor Sports and their
affiliated organizations and the countless volunteers who teach and coach so
children, youth, and adults can continue to grow. Thank the churches and other
civic groups that help people find meaning in their lives and allow them to
contribute to Kindersley.
Air Cadets celebrated their 10th Anniversary this year. June 8/13 |
As part of the Town’s contribution to this process is the
development, once a new Director of Community Services has been recruited, of a
new Recreation Plan in conjunction with the culture plan currently under
development. However, the success of these plans is dependent on community
New retail businesses east of the C-Store. Sept 6/14 |
Another aspect of fulfillment is people's pursuit of their entrepreneurial goals. Recent examples include the expansion of a couple of local businesses who are constructing their own building, McDonalds' recent expansion, and the building of a new lot and building for a local car dealership not to mention Kindersley Mainline's expansion and Tisdale's renovation.
McDonalds new expansion. Sept 6/14 |
Living together can be hard. The town frequently gets called
to intervene in conflict between neighbours, and as a result bylaw becomes
involved. Municipal government responsibility is to allow spaces for peoples
to gather together for a host of reasons including: fellowship, learning,
worship, and more. The Town facilitates space but civic groups and individuals
can also create the space for gathering.
Most importantly, what goes on in the space is about relationships. How
one land use, such as commercial, relates to another land use, residential, is
important and good design is a part of that relationship.
Newmeyer infill development mixing downtown commercial and residential. Sept 4/14 |
How user groups, teams, and individuals relate to one
another at the West Central Events Centre, Rotary Field, or any other facility,
is the core of our community. Community is about relationships. Group 2, who
completed the Phase 2 West Central Community Centre Needs and Operational
Assessment, said that facilities influence our relationships.
RM of Kindersley working to build the parking lot at the fishing hole at Motherwell Reservoir. Sept 4/14 |
“Thank-you” to our emergency response personnel, to teachers
for helping our children develop appropriate social skills, and for all of the
volunteers who work together to make Kindersley a better place. Let’s not
forget the restructuring of the schools by Sun West SD to allow greater
investment in our children.
Installing infrastructure at Brookhollow Estates. Sept 4/14 |
The Town of Kindersley doesn’t drive growth and it doesn’t
cause retraction. The Town has a role to ensure growth is healthy and
responsible and it has a role in ensuring sustainability. Here is a quick note: 130 municipalities have been told by the province that they can not have any new residences and commercial and industrial businesses because they don't have the infrastructure to support the growth. This is not the case in Kindersley. Furthermore, the Town is
but one component of our community. Kindersley is about us, you and me, working
together creating a life for you, me, our neighbours, acquaintances, and
friends. Kindersley is us working, playing, and creating together.