Wednesday 14 January 2015

West Central Crisis & Family Support Centre 30th Anniversary

Here are the remarks I made at the 30th Anniversary of the West Central Crisis and Family Support Centre. The anniversary was held Tuesday January 13th, 2015 at the Kindersley Elks Hall.
Celebrating WCC&FSC 30 Years, 140 guests. Jan 13, 2015
·        Thank you Barry for inviting me to your 30th Anniversary

·        On behalf of the Town of Kindersley and our neighbours, I want to congratulate you and all who have been involved with the Crisis and Family Support Centre on 30 years of persisting to make the world a better place

·        Assisting people in crisis requires immense compassion, personal investment, and the ability to support others when they are at their most vulnerable

·        For three decades, the Crisis Centre has played a role in saving lives, helping resolve conflicts, healing broken hearts, and assisting our neighbours, friends, and family through some of the most difficult circumstances of their lives

·        To Barry, Michelle and the rest of the Board, Staff, Traumatic Response Team/Victim Assistance Support Team, the Family Support Workers, and the sponsors, heartfelt thanks for the healing hearts and hands you bring to Kindersley and area. The Town of Kindersley is committed to a healthy community

·        I am proud to say that Council has adopted the Anti-Bullying Bylaw. Michelle, thank for helping Council understand some of the issues you deal with.

·        We look forward to working with you in raising awareness about this bylaw and seeing our community turn away from treating others in ways that are harmful and detrimental to living healthy and fulfilling lives.

·        Creating a healthy community requires more than defining and enforcing anti-social behaviour; it requires healthy opportunities to grow and learn for fulfillmetn

·        Accomplishing this requires the collective impact of all agencies in Kindersley to ensure success.

·        The better angels of your nature are much needed and appreciated when the lesser angels of our nature lash out.

·        I look forward to the day when:

·        Women aren’t raped,

·        Children aren’t abused or neglected,

·        Traumatic events like crimes, fires, and accidents are a thing of the past,

·        Men and women find fulfillment, comfort, and healing through healthy activities rather than through abusing drugs and alcohol,

·        Spouses aren’t betrayed, and

·        Bullying isn’t a reality.

·        This is not the way it should be.

·        I want to thank you for 30 years of fighting evil and providing comfort and healing

·        And I live with the hope that there will be a day when all of the tears have been wiped away.

·        A day when there is no more death or mourning or crying or pain

·        When everything has been made new

·        On behalf of the Town of Kindersley and residents of Kindersley, thank you once again for the opportunity to be here and for the care and commitment from each one of you toward making our community and our world a better place. 
Silent Auction Table for the WCC&FSC. Jan 13, 2015

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