Sunday 26 January 2014

Moment with the Mayor: Phase 2 Update

Hi Everyone:

Given some of the dynamics surrounding the development of Phase 2 of the West Central Community Centre, Council asked Group 2 Architects to hold two additional public workshops before making a decision on how to proceed with the recommendations Group 2 outlined in its Needs and Operational Assessment final report.

The purpose of the workshops was to help the public:

1.       Understand the choices before them, and the implications, pros and cons of each alternative.

2.       Generate a list of guiding principles¹ that will act as a compass for moving forward.

3.       Create a commitment to work together toward one common goal that benefits the entire community.

 What follows is a summary of the report.

·         Attendance at the workshops was low, with less than 25 people attending both workshops.

·         The first two goals were realized with the participants: people understood the choices before them and a list of guiding principles was developed.

·         According to Group 2 there was not a strong commitment to work together toward one common goal that benefits the entire community.²

·         As a result, Group 2 goes on to say, Council and Administration does not have the social license to proceed with confidence.

As a result of what was heard at the workshops, Group 2 has revised its recommendation from Option B to Option C, a phased approach that identifies construction of the Aquatic Centre first, and other components to follow. Based on our analysis, removing or reducing the barriers is more probable under Option C: A Phased Approach, the report stated.

These are recommendations that inform and guide Council, and are arrived at after extensive community consultation and evaluation. The tough final decision, however, rests with Council. This has been a long process and I appreciate your patience. We are being intentional to ensure that Phase 2 the West Central Community Centre is a success both as a facility and as a project that binds Kindersley together.

Please write or phone if you would like me to discuss a particular topic. If you have any questions or comments, drop me a line at the town office or email me at

You can also check out my blog at I appreciate your feedback.

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