Tuesday 9 July 2013

Phase 2: Aquatic Centre, Gym/Field House, Theatre

Hi Everyone:

The Council meeting of July 8th was very exciting. During the meeting Group 2 presented a draft of their final report and Council also heard comments from the Multi Use Building Committee (MUBC) who have been working with Group 2.

Group 2 provided 3 options to consider:

Option A includes an aquatic centre with a 6 lane pool 25 metres long to hold events, a leisure pool, a hot tub, and a water slide, a field house with a regulation size indoor soccer pitch, and a 450 seat theatre and kitchen facilities to host banquets. Also included is space for Town Offices and Great Plains College. The price tag for this project is $65.5 million plus GST. Should Great Plains College not partner than the price tag is $55.6 million

Option B has the same swimming pool for meets but with a smaller leisure pool and hot tub; a gym, a 300 seat theatre and kitchen facilities to host banquets. Option B also has space for Town Offices and Great Plains College. The cost of Option B is $51.3 million and if Great Plains College does not participate then the price is $41.5 million.

The 3rd option, C, is a phased approach starting with the aquatic centre; the aquatic centre has been identified as the most needed facility in West Central Saskatchewan. The aquatic centre includes a 6 lane 25 metre pool, leisure pool, and hot tub. The cost for the aquatic centre is $27.7 million.

Group 2’s recommendation is Option B located adjacent to the Events Centre in easy proximity to KCS and Elizabeth School.

The MUBC’s report indicated that their preferred option is A and they want the “arts and recreation centre” at another site and suggested along Ditson Road or near the Reservoir. MUBC also indicated the phased approach, C, is not an option and would create problems.

Next steps are the receiving of the final report and further discussion. What I suggested during the meeting is a round table discussion with MUBC to ensure that the development of Phase 2/arts and recreation centre is a collaborative effort. A collaborative effort includes collaborative decision making in which everyone accepts responsibility for moving forward. We are also looking at forming a committee to oversee the building and a grassroots foundation for fundraising.

Most importantly we intend to establish a process that is open, transparent, disciplined, diligent, and intentional to build an affordable and sustainable facility for West Central Saskatchewan.
Building Option A or Option B is a BHAG: a big, hairy, audacious goal. To accomplish this, to succeed and thrive, will require the efforts of the better angels of our nature.

Please write or phone if you would like me to discuss a particular topic. If you have any questions or comments drop me a line at the town office or email me at mayorenns-wind@kindersley.ca. You can also check out my blog at http://mayorjohn.blogspot.ca/. I appreciate your feedback.

Have a good week!

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