Friday 15 May 2015

FCM and the Federal Election

More than 90% of municipalities belong to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM). FCM works on behalf of municipalities to inform and influence our MPs in Ottawa regarding municipal issues and solutions.

In anticipation of the upcoming election expected in the fall, FCM has designed a campaign to raise awareness of municipal issues and potential solutions. What follows at the bottom is an email they sent to start raising awareness.

Unfortunately many of the solutions for our challenges such as infrastructure and housing municipalities like Kindersley need help from the other levels of government. Here is an example of the challenges we face. the infrastructure deficit is estimated to be around $250 billion yet the federal government has only allocated $10 - $14 billion, (depends on who is doing the accounting) to address the infrastructure deficit.

We on Council are working to partner with the other levels of government to gain the financial tools necessary to ensure that Kindersley is a healthy and dynamic community.

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It is five months before the next federal election and the time is right to engage Canadians in making municipal issues part of the federal campaign. I am inviting you to join me in spreading the word that Canadians can get involved in making local issues, national issues. Please go to and sign up, and read our plan for local jobs and growth.

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