Sunday 26 April 2015

Moment with the Mayor: Thank You!

Hi Neighbours:

This week I am feeling very thankful for all of the people who make Kindersley a great place to live. As I write this, the challenge is being able to personally thank everyone. I will do my best, but I apologize for anyone I may have missed. Please accept my thank you as well.

This past week, I was speaking with two presidents of two different organizations. As we shared stories, we both agreed that we were glad not to be in the other’s shoes. It caused me to reflect on all the presidents, chairpersons, and leaders of the many, many recreation and culture groups, teams, and organizations, service clubs, social service agencies, community boards, committees, and volunteer-based programs. Thank you for all the time, energy, commitment, and even financial contributions you make to support your respective causes.

Further to this, thank you to all of the wonderful volunteers who make all of the above-mentioned groups what they are and keep them running, whether by cleaning, counseling, coaching, repairing, giving of your time, and so much more. Because of you, Kindersley is richer. We are a community that is more beautiful, more just, more fulfilled, and has healthier relationships.

To those of you who donate money to all of our community fundraisers, thank you. Without your support, many of the equipment and salaries that need to be paid would go unpurchased and unpaid.

To our Town staff, thank for your hard work to make Kindersley a great place to live.

Last but not least, thank you to the businesses that have invested and continue to invest in our community. There are a lot of opportunities in West Central Saskatchewan.

To all of you who go above and beyond to make your neighbourhood, school, workplace, and Kindersley as a whole a better place, thank you.

I am proud to be Kindersley’s mayor and it is with great pleasure that I brag about our community as I meet others around the province.

Please write or phone if you would like me to discuss a particular topic. If you have any questions or comments, drop me a line at the town office or email me at You can also check out my blog at I appreciate your feedback.

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