Saturday 30 November 2013

Salvation Army Kettle Campaign

This afternoon I attended and spoke at the Salvation Army's Kettle Campaign launch. The Kettle Campaign is the only fundraising campaign in which the local Salvation Army goes directly to the public to raise money. The goal this year is to raise $20,000. The monies stay in Kindersley and help local residents.
Capt Len Miller, Trunpeter Leona Wiebe, and Mgr Debra Walker at the Kettle Campaign Launch, Nov 30, 2013
During 2013 the Salvation Army has had to increase their aid to people in need 13%. Further, they launched a short program on the basics of cooking and budgeting to help people make healthy choices.

Kindersley is a better community because of the Salvation Army. The first reason is that the Salvation Army brings out the better angel of our natures as we volunteer or donate money or stuff. The second reason is that the Salvation Army helps the poor. People are poor for 3 general reasons:
  • Unlucky: sometimes they are born into the wrong family, became ill or injured, didn't have the right support at the right time, had an injury that diminished their capacity, etc.
  • Circumstances: sometimes people have no control over their situation and are laid off, the victim of a crime and are struggling to recover from the crime, live in an area in which the opportunities are sparse and they don't have the resources to leave, etc.
  • Poor Choices: sometimes people make poor choices. We don't always make the right choices and sometimes we can recover and sometimes people aren't able to recover. Sometimes people aren't aware of the quality of their choices and other times they are aware but they make bad choices for a variety of reasons.
Regardless of the reason the Salvation Army helps. They help families in distress due to fires and for other reasons but Kindersley would be less of a community without their involvement in the lives of the poor and marginalized.
Capt Len Miller, Wal Mart Mgr Tyler, and Salvation Army Mgr Debra Walker, Nov 30, 2013

Thank you Capt Len Miller for your leadership at the Salvation Army.

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