Tuesday 17 June 2014

Council Governance Update: Community Involvement

During our last governance session Council had a very good dialogue regarding Policy AL.8. Community Involvement.

The thrust of the conversation is how can Council best engage our friends, neighbours, and residents in Kindersley with the Town? This one policy took an hour and we resume the conversation next time. The current model is unique and we are looking to improve our interaction with both user groups and individuals. I am concerned that there is a disconnect between user groups and Council and the Town. If my observation is correct, I want to improve the interaction.

One of the questions we are reviewing is: how best to communicate with user groups and to whom should some user groups report? Consider, we have committees that report to the CAO, this is a unique practice: should these committees report to Council instead like other communities? What does that look like?

These are not sexy issues but they are important because for our community to succeed and do well,  we need good community dialogue between user groups, stakeholders, and individuals with clear communication so Council and Administration can respond sensibly and quickly to requests and concerns.

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